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Customer Rights & Responsibilities

Customer Rights & Responsibilities

1. Our customer has the right to be fully informed of the services for which they will be charged and to have all services rendered and service costs put in writing. No surprises which keeps clients nice to us and coming back.

2. Our customer has the right to be informed of the plan of service and to participate in all aspects of planning, including installation dates and, in some cases, specific times. Everyone out there is better than the cable company but we have higher expectations of ourselves.

3. Our customer has the right to be promptly and fully informed of any changes in the plan of service. Changes are a part of life so we deal with it.

4. Our customer has the right to be informed of the name, business telephone number, and business address of the President of DiscountCall and how to contact this person. Founder & President has lived in Atlanta since 1996 and hasn’t been murdered yet.

Randy Berlin – President
1075 Zonolite Road Ste 2
Atlanta, GA 30306
Phone 404-844-6800 x208 or randy at discountcall.com (take that web spiders & crawlers)
Contact by phone, email or snail mail.

5. Our customer has the right to have a friendly phone technician treat them and their work environment with respect as it pertains to your overall operations. We use our inside voices and won’t eat too much of the candy at the receptionist desk.

6. Upon request, the customer has the right to obtain a copy (from the provider) of their current contract agreement for services. Our server stores everything but some clients want to make sure their provider has their i’s dotted and t’s crossed when they lose things themselves.

7. Our customer has the responsibility to pay all charges by the due date as agreed upon. Each year our bad debt ratio is almost zero which keeps costs down for future clients plus we know people who know people.

customers rights & responsibilities

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