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Customers Love It

How do you know if you’re right for DiscountCall? We have a no nonsense attitude that’s easy to trust and easier to do business with.
“Help me... help you. Help me, help you.” Jerry Maguire

In high school most of us stayed out of trouble and were pretty good at Asteroids and Pacman while still getting A’s and B’s and usually got the good looking girlfriend cause we were genuine and nice…..and had a car.

Customers Love It!

DiscountCall is committed to helping our client’s be successful. When your organization comes on board you’ll have access to:

Remote Programming Support:
Our techs hate driving. Yes that’s right, with gas prices and traffic the way it is why not take advantage of our genius approach of doing most things remotely – in real time.
Phones that don’t come with a manual:
Waste of paper and employees can’t find it anyway. We pre-program important features which isn’t splitting atoms but does get us lots of praise. A friendly resource is one call away to your staff with any assistance they may need.
One throat to choke with your carrier too:
We have relationships in place so there’s no finger pointing with your carrier or IT guy. We’ve heard that alone is worth thousands of dollars to some businesses over the years.
Dedicated people who continually try to come up with ways to better utilize the system – long after installation:
Nuff said. We kick ace out there.
Modular systems so upgrading is easy (We don’t talk about downgrading on here):
Your account executive promised you easy upgrading and they weren’t kidding. Whether it’s adding an IP phone for a remote worker, expanding by knocking down the wall next door or wondering if the system can wash your car, we’re ready.
We know people: Need a new employee?
Wondering where to rent a CFO from or just need a good printing company? Between our Referral Partners and keeping our ears close to the ground, we know lots of good vendors out there.
We’re Green:
Invoices are emailed and not snail mailed saving paper and stamps (sorry Newman). We recycle old Nortel, Panasonic, Avaya, Toshiba NEC, Inter-Tel phone systems which makes room for The real McCoy.
We know how to keep costs down:
Have you ever wondered why certain companies make customers pay for their mistakes because they didn’t know how to keep their own costs down? We use a “just in time” approach to inventory. Our software tools keep us online with carriers bypassing needless wait times. We don’t claim to be the low price leader but we always are the Total Cost of Ownership leader.

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